Helping Paige Lyon
We invite you to follow Paige through her journey and treatment of severe scoliosis.
$57,750 $45,250 |
DONATIONS SO FAR | $103,000 (07-03-17) |
TOTAL GOAL | $150,000 |
Helping Paige Lyon
“I want to thank everyone so very much. Our Fundraiser on June 24 was amazing. Everyone had so much fun. We raised over $20,000 for my surgery. I couldn’t have done this without the help from all the people at Coldwell Banker Grass Roots Realty, Gold Country Gymnastics, donations from local businesses and all the generous donations from people of this community and beyond. It means so much to me. My hope of getting the surgery I need is turning into reality, and it’s because everyone came together to help. So far we have raised $103,000 out of the $150,000 goal. Thank you so much. Through this experience I realized what community means. In a world that seems divided at times, I know that when everyone comes together, amazing things can happen. That’s what community means to me. Sending my love to all.” — Paige Lyon
Two years ago Paige was diagnosed with scoliosis. At first, her curve was a moderate 32 degrees. She wore a brace for 18-23 hours per day. Unfortunately, her curve continued to progress and it is now over 70 degrees. Her spine has twisted, causing a hump in her rib cage. This condition has affected her movement as well as her self-esteem and self-confidence. She battles with the daily physical, emotional and social struggles that come with scoliosis. Presently, her only remaining option is surgery. Specifically, Anterior Scoliosis Correction (ASC).
Because Paige has “severe scoliosis” there is only one group of surgeons, located in the New York/New Jersey area that will do the ASC procedure. They are Dr. Antanocci, Dr. Betz and Dr. Cuddihy, also known as Drs. ABC, at the Institute of Spine and Scoliosis.
Paige flew out to New York/New Jersey and met with Drs. ABC. The doctors felt Paige would be a good candidate for the ASC procedure and are confident that they can help correct her curvature. Due to her age, they have recommended doing the surgery as soon as possible. This will stop the advancing curvature and allow her remaining growth to re-form her spine, rib cage and muscles.
Time is of the essence.
We Need Your Help
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Fundraising Event Helping Paige Lyon Treat Scoliosis
JOIN US FOR A FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Saturday, June 24 at 2 PM - 7 PM Gold Country Gymnastics 900 Golden gate Terrace, Suite E, Grass Valley, California 95945 Please help Paige [...]

Medical Diagnosis
- Severe Scoliosis
- Thoracic Curve at 70-73 Degrees
- Suffers with physical pain and emotional and social struggles
Medical Treatment
- Anterior Scoliosis Correction (ASC) surgery
- Performed by Dr. Antanocci, Dr. Betz and Dr. Cuddihy at the Institute of Spine and Scoliosis in New York/New Jersey
- This is Paige’s only option due to her large curve and skeletal maturity.
Time is of the Essence
- The doctors have recommended doing this surgery as soon as possible. Her remaining growth will help re-form her spine, rib cage and muscles.
Expenses for Surgery
- Dr. Antanocci and his team in New York/New Jersey are the only surgeons that can do this procedure. Unfortunately, Paige’s insurance will not pay for service outside of California.
- All expenses, including surgeons, hospital, anesthesiologist, radiologist, and hardware fees will be out of pocket.

With your generous donation, this surgery promises Paige a chance for better health and to fulfill her dreams.